Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Deadlines and due dates are never fun. Thankfully, Hattie and I finished our first draft yesterday!! Woo!! :] So because of that, I wasn't really freaking out. Deadlines only scare me if I'm way over stressed and taking on too much [at school] (which does happen often..). But it's still summer! And we're at Grady Glee and we're having an awesome time and producing this newspaper when there are people who have never even done it before (ahem, like me).

Just writing an article in general can be stressful--especially when you don't know what you're doing. And it's hard to remember, that when it comes down to it, we are just writing. And that's something we love to do. This morning, I went outside at 6:45 am, looking for a tree to sit under (sadly there weren't any nearby without huge ant mounds surrounding them--so I settled for a bench) so I could take a break and write. Just write whatever came to mind, like I do when I'm at home. And it was great to spend so much time but no time at all scribbling with my purple pen all over our new "reporter notebooks." It was calming and it took away a bit of the edge that comes with stressful deadlines.

So just take a deep breath in and take a break. Tonight we will finish our articles and be victorious!! :]

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