Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Never doubt that a small group of people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Those are the words of Margaret Mead (bearing no relation to the Meade cult in Florida) bordering a drawing of the world on the back of my school's dark blue Interact Club t-shirt. Interact is the young adult "baby" program of Rotary International. It stands for international action, and it is committed to service in the local community but also international awareness and projects. I brought this club to Wheeler at the end of my freshman year, because I believe what it stands for 100%. I think that volunteering is probably one of the most important things you can do in your life, especially as an adolescent in high school who, face it, is about as egocentric as a 5 year old (any psych nerds out there? favorite class for sure...).

Anyway, my ideas about volunteering have already really affected me in my past two years of high school. (Though I will admit...our Interact club was not the most successful this past year--any suggestions???). And I also know that there are other high schoolers who spend a lot of time volunteering. I think it's a pretty cool topic to cover as a feature story, and Hattie and I are working very well together! :]

We have done a couple interviews so far, and we are actually just about to get on our last phone interview with the UGA faculty sponsor for Burn Camp. Interviewing the UGA students was also an interesting experience because we got such varied answers from just the first 4 students. I'm excited for this article since it's my first "legit" journalistic piece of writing and I truly hope and think it'll be great!

It's been an awesome day and a half so far! Looking forward to the rest of the week :]]]

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