Monday, June 13, 2011


My name is Endia (pronounced just like the country), and I am a rising senior ( woot! woot!). I'm from Atlanta so my hour and a half drive here wasn't that bad except for the fact that it was 96 degrees and my father refused to turn the air all the way up. I'm on the broadcasting team at my school and I plan on studying broadcast journalism in college. Some of my hobbies include making short videos, dancing, making jewelry, playing the piano, and reading. Oh yeah, I'm a BIG movie lover. I'll watch practically any movie in any language. (If anyone wants my opinion Finding Nemo is the best animated movie EVER.) Something random about me is that this summer I've been teaching myself how to cook and so far I can make delicious strawberry crepes, chicken enchilada, and pot roast. If all else fails maybe I can become a chef or maybe even become a food critic.
Despite the non-bouncy beds, I'm definitely enjoying camp so far and everyone is really nice and sociable. It's nice to have this experience and to meet everyone. ;)

1 comment:

  1. HELLO!!!! Endia! What kind of short videos? And I think you'll get a chance to play around with writing movie reviews later this week.
