Monday, June 13, 2011

Severus Snape

So lovely to meet you all this morning! In fact, I'd like to know more about you. Yeah? Yeah! Let your first post be an introduction - tell us more about yourself, why you're here, what you hope to learn/accomplish this week, your hobbies, what you want to do with your life...and so on. Post away! (And feel free to comment on each other's posts!) Hooray!

Hello, everyone! I'm Jordan, and I'm really happy to be happy to be here. This is my first real experience with journalism. At my school, I am chief prose editor for the literature magazine, but the works displayed in it are far from journalistic- they're all imaginative. The majority of my writing is completely made-up. I have a wild imagination and find that writing stories provides an outlet that permits my crazy ideas to be released. I've always taken an interest in the journalism program here at UGA, and I wanted to try out new forms of writing, so I signed up for Grady Glee! 

I am from Atlanta, Georgia, and I am a rising senior in high school. I adore mint chocolate chip ice cream, raspberries , and pickles (I know, how weird, right?) I have a brother and a dog, both of whom are unbelievably funny. I play tennis and the piano, and they're both fantastic distractions from my usually-hectic life. I am a complete quote junkie. I keep a journal of my favorite quotes and carry it with me pretty much everywhere. I love nature; I could spend an endless amount of time amongst the trees. You could say that I'm a child of the land. I love love love to read, hence why I got a kindle for my last birthday. My all time favorite books are The Harry Potter series (Hey, Charlotte), The Help, The Art of Racing in the Rain, Poisonwood Bible, and Elsewhere. (If you've never read any of these, I highly recommend them.) 

I really hope to become some form of a writer when I grow up. As of right now, I hope to publish short stories, poems, and potentially novels. After this journalism program though, who knows! I might pursue a career with feature writing; it seems much more plausible and realistic as far as jobs go. At Grady, I really hope to improve my non-fiction writing skills and learn all that there is to know with the journalism major. I'm pretty proud to say that I have already learned a lot and it has only been a day. Can't wait to see what awaits! 

1 comment:

  1. Snape, Snape, Severus Snape. DUMBLEDORE! (Potter Pals?) Anyway. Glad you are here! I hope you have your quote book with you. You might need to pull out some reassuring quotes to soothe us around deadline time.
