Hi guys :) My name is Kiara, and I'm an upcoming junior at Dacula High. I've loved writing ever since I can remember. I write poetry, and I've been blogging off and on for about 4 years now. I like using my own thoughts/ideas and being creative with my writing also, which is why I chose to do Feature Writing at the camp. Over the past year, I've thought about what I want to do in life and I decided that it couldn't be anything that didn't have to do with my own writing. So I plan on majoring in Journalism in college although I ultimately want to become a magazine editor when I grow up. But, you can't get into that unless you work your way up (starting at a journalist).
In the past, I've done dance (ballet and tap), basketball, swimming, and gymnastics. But, gymnastics was the only thing I did for more than two years. I quit in 8th grade though, lol. Um, I was in key club freshman year, and this past year I was on the step team. Actually, we came here to UGA for a competition in March and we won 2nd place! Yeah, but I can't really think of anything else to say. Oh, I've tried to start up my blog again earlier this year, and even though its not popular anymore (lol), you can still visit it: http://thediaryofkiara.blogspot.com/.
Blogging has influenced journalism in interesting ways; we should talk about that this week (remind me if I forget!). A journalism degree will prepare you well to be an editor. Gotta be a writer to be an editor! Nice blog!