The Proposal is a quirky, yet amusing, love story between a high-maintenance book editor, Margaret Tate, and her diligent, and often unappreciated assistant, Andrew Paxton. When this movie first came out in theaters, I had no interest in going to watch it. However, I did decide to watch it one day while I was searching through movie channels on my TV. Because of the title, I knew the movie had to do something with love and/or marriage so I convinced myself that it wouldn’t be a waste of my time.
My self-instinct turned out to be correct, as this movie was very entertaining. It was enchanting to watch Margaret and Andrew’s predictable, yet cute transition through love and hate. At the beginning of the movie, they aren’t too fond of each other, but as you keep watching, you see them go from pretending to be in love into actually falling so unexpectedly that they were late to even realize it.
Margaret used to take Andrew for granted, and then desperately needed him to help her from being deported to Canada. With that plot, this movie taught you to appreciate everyone who helps you out in any way of form, because you never know when you might need him or her. What comes around goes around, and once Andrew realized that he was the only one that could, and would, save her, he quickly took advantage of that.
I loved the fact that this movie wasn’t just a “love story.” It had a comical side to it, which made it more fun to watch. You get a laugh here and there but you also get the occasional “awww” because of their desirability of one another, which they attempted to hide until the very end.
All throughout the movie, you watch step by step how all the little things put together could make you appreciate and possibly love someone that you never ever thought you would. I thought this movie was a good watch, and is definitely a movie I would watch again when I get the chance.
Very nice! I like that you get into the plot and what the story means for the characters and their development.