I woke up this morning from a deep and refreshing sleep after that roller skating, or at least my attempt to roller skate. I am feeling myself again and my inner writer is bursting out. Yesterday the yawns were continuous and it took all of my energy to keep my eyelids from slipping, but today I am wide awake and so thrilled to be here! Maybe it was the coffee that did it?
My feelings before this camp were mixed with fear, nervousness, and some excitement. I had anxiety about who my roommate would be and visions of my little self ending up at the UGA weight-room instead of the journalism building. I can't stop trying to hold my laughter in thinking about how silly that was of me. I have already discovered that I have the ability to thrive in the unknown situations. My fears have already been stomped on by the warm greetings and offers of double-stuffed Oreos from my adorable roommate Crystal. Why did I waste so much energy fearing this week when I could have spent my time looking forward to a life-changing experience?
I have learned already that it is unproductive and pessimistic to fear the unfamiliar. There is a fine difference between a healthy fear and cautiousness versus a fear of simply being the outcast. Last night I found myself roller skating (and falling!) with the arms of two girls that used to be strangers holding me up. They took my hands, guided me, and encouraged me.

I would have never thought this experience would have occurred late Saturday night as I was tossing my toothbrush and tennis shoes into my bag.I have been so pleasantly surprised, and have learned to push the nerves behind.
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