“Water for Elephants” Movie Review
By: Carly Kanwisher
George Walton Comprehensive High School
“I don't know if I picked that circus. But something told me that circus picked me.” -Jacob Jankowski
Movie remakes rarely live up to the integrity of their book counterparts. However the opposite is true for “Water for Elephants”. Directed by Francis Lawrence, starring Reese Witherspoon (as Marlena) and Robert Pattinson (as Jacob Jankowski), the film truly brings the book to life, while at the same time creating a story that people who haven’t read the book can still understand and enjoy.
The plot is set in the US during the1930’s in the heat of the Great Depression. A man named Jacob Jankowski leaves town after his parent’s tragic deaths. A Cornell vet student, he finds work in a traveling circus as a large animal vet and begins a journey filled with vivid characters, villains, friends, and love.
As Jacob’s love interest, Marlena is portrayed as a beautiful orphan that left a life of poverty for a wealthy but abusive husband. Witherspoon does a great job of channeling Marlena’s conflicted feelings for her husband and the young hired help.
In turn, Pattinson completely shifts from his well known “Twilight” persona and adapts one that is much older and more sophisticated teenage counterpart. The relationship between Witherspoon and Pattinson is commanding; it pulls the audience though their rollercoaster journey.
While Pattinson and Witherspoon’s acting is outstanding, the supporting roles are what really make the film. Walter (Mark Povinelli), Camel (Jim Norton), and finally Tai’s performance as Rosie the elephant, all help to create a quirky family that views can’t help but love and sympathize with.
I haven't seen this movie but now I want to! Good job, Carly! I like that you mention not only the plot but also the quality of the performances.