Friday, June 15, 2012

The Final Countdown

(doo do doo do, doo doo do do do)

I think I learned a lot this week. I think I will actually know what I'm doing when I try to start up the school newspapaer again. I also didn't realized how easy it was to interview people and to get them to give you your time. I think I also know a little bit better how to go about doing feature articles and getting articles for the paper.

Also, not to get too sappy, I've think I've grown some personally this week. I think I've gained more confidence dealing with people, as well as in my writing a little bit (if there's one thing I pride myself on, it's that, but I think I might be even a little bit more so now).

Over all it was a great camp, and a great time.I really enjoyed it, and I think I'll remember it for a long time.

Here goes for book suggestions...
Fight Club, Slaughter-House Five, Cat's Cradle, God Bless You Mr.Rosewater, Breakfast of Champions, Catch-22 (funniest book I've ever read, literally laughed out loud at some parts), Marathon Man, The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy, Wool, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Enjoy the rest of your summer, guys. It was great being here with you all.

1 comment:

  1. Eli:

    Read "Snow Crash" by Neal Stephenson. Also read anything by Octavia Butler (ie "Parable of the Sower" and "Parable of the Talents"). Try Frederik Pohl and Clifford D. Simak. Of course, the usual suspects - Bradbury, Asimov, and so on. And Andre Norton. Go for her space stuff first.

    I recently enjoyed "The Outlaws of Sherwood" by Robin McKinley, which surprised me because I'm not necessarily a Robin Hood buff, but it is super good. Did you read "When You Reach Me" by Rebecca Stead? SO good. Also read "The Gates" by John Connolly. Subtly hilarious.

    My all-time faves: Madeleine L'Engle, Tolkien (in a major way), the His Dark Materials trilogy (boo hoo for days), probably other stuff I'm forgetting.
